Integrated Recovery Coaching

Discover your inner resources, let go of addiction, let change challenge you to balance mind, body, and spirit

Importance of Presence


Deborah Morris, Psy.D., with a doctorate in Clinical Psychology, is an Integrated Recovery Coach promoting the fusion of all aspects of an individual into a harmonious, powerful whole

Dr. Morris is currently available for tele-health sessions worldwide.


About Dr. Deborah Morris

Deborah Morris, Psy.D. has a doctorate in Clinical Psychology and has been in the field of recovery for 25 years. She is the founder and former owner of Greenspring Wellness Centers in Baltimore, MD and Tucson AZ, managing the business and maintaining a full private practice.. The centers specialized in preventive and alternative care, employing physicians, nurses, psychotherapists, and body practitioners. 

She has over 20 years of experience leading seminars and workshops, creating training programs, and lecturing on wellness and emotional health. Her master’s thesis was on Grief and Conscious Dying. Her doctoral dissertation was on Emotionally Focused Therapy, a highly effective short-term therapy approach for individuals and couples.

Along with her formal training, she created a substance abuse program, Integrated Recovery Coaching, is trained in Emotionally Focused Therapy for Couples, Psychosynthesis, and Integrative Life Coaching.

Dr. Morris’ formal training includes:

*B.A. in Psychology

*M.A. in Transpersonal Psychology

*Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology

Dr. Morris’ Coaching certifications are:

*Nationally Certified in Recovery Coaching

*Nationally Certified in Family Recovery Coaching

*Nationally Certified Relationship Coach

*Certified Psychosynthesis Life Coach

She has created and led numerous ongoing specialized groups including:

*Recreating Your Life After Loss

*Couples in Crisis / Enhancing Emotional Intimacy

*Relapse Prevention-Creating Safety in Early Sobriety

*Women in the Transition of Midlife 

Coaching is not a substitute for psychotherapy, but a client centered approach that encourages inner resources. 

What is Integrated Recovery Coaching?

An in depth process looking at each person as an individual in their recovery.

Integrative Recovery Coaching is geared towards the promotion of all aspects of the client. Utilizing her experience with recovery and Psychosynthesis, Dr. Morris has combined the tenets of Psychosynthesis and the cognitive focus of recovery coaching.

Clients are compassionately supported through the addiction recovery process, as they begin to understand the positive and transformational change of sobriety, avoid relapse, and rebuild their lives. When sobriety becomes more solid, the work begins toward emotional sobriety.

Through the exploration of the crisis that occurs following the powerful life event of becoming sober, it is possible to disengage from the darkness of addiction and integrate all parts of ourselves again. The process assists in eliminating shame, and begins the rebuilding self-esteem and self worth.

After a full exploration of the client’s substance abuse history, an individualized program is created, taking into consideration their history and lifestyle.

The client begins with three sessions a week, and reduces to twice a week according to their progress and individual needs. Eventually, the client is seen once a week when recovery stability has been established.

Recovery from addiction gives you the opportunity to create a new narrative.

Clarity and imagination returns as the healing of damaged relationships begins.
New relationships and community, based on a common purpose begin to develop.

Integrated Recovery Coaching Programs 


For Individuals


A New Narrative

Included in the program are:

  • Triggers that can cause relapse

  • Continuation of substance abuse 12 step programs or recovery integration of the client’s choice

  • Tools to deal with cravings 

  • Anxiety and stress relief tools 

  • Relationship issues in recovery

  • Family sessions to educate and integrate the family into the client’s recovery

  • Living without drugs and alcohol

  • Learning to take responsibility and life without guilt and shame

  • Rebuilding self-esteem and self-worth

  • Working alongside an addiction physician


For Couples


Do it Together

Couples in Recovery Enhancing Emotional Intimacy

Weekend workshops with Dr. Deborah Morris and Richard Freund, CPSW

In 2022 & 2023, Dr. Deborah Morris and her husband, Richard Freund, CPSW, who is 37 years sober and a Nationally Certified Recovery Coach, will lead 4 weekend workshops:

The workshop is not limited to addiction recovery, and includes recovery from infidelity, recovery for blended families, recovery from loss.

Call to get on the waiting list of this remarkable, healing weekend.

 “Though we seem to be sleeping there is an inner wakefulness that directs the dream and that will eventually startle us back to the truth
of who we are.”


  Integrated Recovery Coaching is based on freedom:

from being controlled by substances and the challenge
of self-limiting beliefs

 Let’s take this journey together

Are you looking for transformation? Explore Psychosynthesis and

Integrated Depth Coaching

Visit Dr. Morris’ other site at: